‘One-to-one coaching for competitive riders, maximising cycling performance, results and athletic potential’


• British Cycling Level 3 Coach
• BSc Sports and Exercise Science
• Ex-Elite and Multiple National Champion


Want to take your racing to new levels and learn how to win?

Real Life Coaching and Understanding Individuals

Having trained and raced at Elite level whilst working full time, doing shifts, and bringing up a young family I understand how important real life is and the other priorities which may affect training and racing. This is why I am in constant contact with my riders, understanding them as much as possible, ensuring that the plan is working for them and amending it around life’s hurdles.

What type of coach am I?

The rider-coach relationship is the key to a successful coaching experience so it’s important to work with a coach you get on with and share their philosophy.

Personal Coaching Relationship and Engagement

The rider-coach relationship is a 2-way partnership and requires both to engage with the process to ensure its success. The main aspect is regular communication and for me to understand the rider. As a coach, the better I know you, the better a coach I can be.

Skin a Cat Your Way

Generic programmes? Not here! There are many ways to get fitter and faster and there is no one set way. My job as a coach is to find the best way for you and will be highly individual. I aim to make it challenging, results driven, achievable and hopefully fun.

Honesty and Realistic Goals

I am a positive coach and will be able to develop all riders given time and dedication. I will be honest in my feedback and say what is realistically achievable.

Dedication and Progression

I love cycle sport, fitness in general and thrive on personal progression. Progression can come in many forms (physical, tactical and technical) and I am dedicated in guiding you to be the best athlete possible. As a coach I develop my professional knowledge and qualifications and as an endurance athlete I have been challenging myself for 18 years.

Walk the Walk

I love fitness and exercise in general. I’ve done most forms of training and will be doing it until I am unable too. I’ve competed in most sports including Cycling, Running, Duathlon and Football. I’m still competing in bike racing now at 46. I know how training and competing feels, both good and bad, so as an athlete I will have a good idea of how you are feeling.

The Bigger Picture and Inspiration

Cycle sport is just fantastic. I love the camaraderie of the local club scene (I ride with Hoppers Rollers), the local time trails, chaingangs, road race leagues, Sunday rides, MTB trips away, training camps, touring trips, winter cyclocross, children’s skills sessions, Breeze rides. It inspires me to ride a bike and promote it. I hope to inspire you. I hope you will inspire others too!